Friday, April 18, 2008


Well, the tax man came-th and, thankfully, went-eth. Hallelujah! Now back to the things that REALLY matter to me. I feel as though I have literally strangled the joy from the past few days of my non-numerically driven life...

I may have mentioned previously that numbers are not my thing. I mean, are they not only not my thing but, I actually hate them. I ran my own business for twenty years and I loved it, except for the numbers! You may wonder how...Well, that's what accountants and payroll companies are for, is it not? Yep. That is their calling in life; they love "THAT".
Those kind (kinda crazy) souls love numbers. I certainly don't understand it but, perhaps they hate the color cerulean blue, or don't like to read a novel, or don't like Abbey Road. Catch the flow here? Yes, I believe it is that other side of the brain thing.

Happily, my brain has a blissfully melodic, brightly colored side that exists to create. There is no gray matter in this head of mine; the color is charcoal perhaps, but not plain ol' gray. A mixture of 1 part Black to 3 parts Chinese White- a very white, white. That gives me a nice soft charcoal on the outside and many, many colors, sounds and ideas on the inside. Almost sounds like a bag of M&Ms!

Anyway, it is now time to shake my head and free my poor mind of all that nonsensical stuff that took up so much room. Spring brings annual house cleaning and April 15th brings me annual digit purge.!

So free at last am I, and it is back to the drawing board. Later some tunes. And when I fall asleep tonight with my novel on my chest and my reading glasses askew, you can be sure my last words were AAAAAHHHHHH.........................

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