Monday, May 3, 2010

Hot Flash- did I miss Spring?!

No, not me...The weather has, once again flipped out.
It is May 3rd and for the last few days it has been HOT,HOT,HOT!
I guess the reason I make mention of this- in the manner I do- is because I LOVE SPRING! Where the heck are the days that slowly warm up and slip into the tepid breezes?! Where are the calming sounds of nature as they gently waken birds and bugs; easing them from slumber or welcoming them back north?! Where the heck is the transition of the greens and they pop through the brown surface of the wood's floor?! I'm not sure where all that is but I miss it!
It is beautiful outside- granted. The greens are vibrant, the azaleas are breathtaking, the birds are in a frenzy with home construction. It just seems as thought there isn't the ease of transition, the calmness of a new season, the temptation to our senses as the winter finally disappears and the warmer days move in.
(Sigh) they say it is what it is. I wish only that Spring could take center stage for at least a little while. It is the season of rebirth and who doesn't like a new lease on life?

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