Friday, January 16, 2009

Baby, it's cold outside!

It is 1:30(-ish) here and it is COLD; 18 degrees to be exact.

I'm sure that is not cold to many of you that read this from various spots in the vast "out there", but for us here in central Pennsylvania-it's pretty darn cold.

When I was small we used to have weather like this all the time; the snow fell like crazy and temperatures dropped sometimes to zero! Over the past 2 decades we haven't seen much of that. Global warming? I'd rather not go there...

What I do know is that it has made me a softy. I don't want to go out in it, I don't want to play in it, I don't even walk the dog in it! (Thanks, husband of mine). I want to look at it, I want to think about it, I want to write about it; I just don't want to be IN it!

It makes me sad to a point that I feel that way; I used to love to ice skate, sleigh ride, build snow forts and just have a grand time but it has lost its draw for me. There isn't a whole heck of a lot that can entice me to go in these temps except two things... a hair appointment(the roots don't lie) and the mail (just in case there is an acceptance letter in it)!

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