Friday, March 21, 2008

2 days 'til Easter-ALREADY?!

Well- true to my way of thinking regarding the lack of time, as of this a.m. I was not ready for Easter.
To fix that, I made a big mistake by running out to do those things needed for the holiday. Every store, every parking spot, every Easter candy aisle, every- everywhere was a nightmare. The sunny day outside did compensate for the thunderclouds that were rolling through INSIDE, as other last minute shoppers flooded the greeting card and grocery aisles. I got everything done that I needed to and, I was still in a good mood in the end- that is not always the case.
I got very little candy- which, as Martha says, is a good thing. While I was picking a book for my husband's Goddaughter I saw the platinum edition of "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson. Having read a borrowed copy of it quite some time ago I thought it was about time to read it again. a weapon in the war against my LDL cholesterol, I will skip the chocolate bunny and settle in for a revisit with a good book and drink tea!

Oh, I got the Goddaughter "Hoot" by Carl Haissen

1 comment:

Ghost Girl (aka, Mary Ann) said...

Ooo! I always get a book for my sweeties at Easter. It just sort of evolved that way. Of course we go for the jellybeans and chocolate bunnies, too!

Have a happy holiday!

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